2021 Annual Conference Agenda

Wednesday  -  Thursday  -  Friday
Schedule shown in Eastern Time Zone
Schedule subject to change 

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2021 --- PRE-CONFERENCE  (additional fee applies)                                     

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM [2.00 credits]

Pre-Conference Workshop - Innovative Approaches to Stormwater Public Education & Outreach
Join us as we explore successful public education and outreach programs from across the state. We all know that efforts to control stormwater pollution must consider public behaviors and activities that can generate pollution from land surfaces. MS4 permittees are required to educate their communities on the pollution potential of common activities, to increase public awareness of the direct links between land activities, rainfall-runoff, storm drains, and their local water resources. This workshop will provide an overview of public education and outreach approaches that strive to give the public clear guidance on steps and specific actions that they can take to reduce stormwater pollution.

Part 1 - What Do We Want? More Outreach Credit! When Do We Want it? NOW
Alachua County Environmental Protection and the Gainesville Clean Water Partnership use social marketing tools to take outreach to the next level. This presentation will explore recent projects and efforts to quantify resulting load reductions in an effort to secure more support of outreach activities in the form of funding and BMAP credits.

Stacie Greco, Water Resources Program Manager
Alachua County

Dorian Morgan, Director of Research & Social Marketing

Part 2 - Encouraging Behavior Change in Fertilizer Users in the Wekiva Basin
Urban Turfgrass Fertilizer has been shown to amount to 26% of all nitrate loading into the Wild & Scenic Wekiva River. This session will review the impact of a public education campaign that engaged hundreds of turfgrass fertilizer users. The campaign explored best management practices along with the ins and outs of a county ordinance to empower users to have a healthy lawn while protecting local waterways.

Tina McIntyre, Florida Friendly Landscaping Agent
UF/IFAS Extension Seminole County

Part 3 - Tune in to Flip My Florida Yard
From Emmy® Award-winning director Chad Crawford comes a television series dedicated to flipping yards, changing lives, and protecting Florida's natural resources. Flip My Florida Yard uses a HGTV style yard make-over approach to transform home landscapes with Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ practices while the homeowners are visiting one of Florida’s State Parks. Flip My Florida Yard aims to educate (and entertain!) viewers about how Florida yards can become more water efficient, attract wildlife, and control stormwater runoff.  This session will share how the project began, the goals and priorities of the show, as well as updates on the success of the show.

Emily Brown, Education Coordinator, Division of Water Resource Assistance

Amanda Peck
, Program Administrator, Division of Water Resource Assistance

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 2021                                                                                                                                  

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM [1.00 credits]    

Welcome, Opening Address & Awards [General Session]
The opening session will focus on challenges and solutions in Florida water quality programs. We will also review our successes over the past year by recognizing the work of stormwater programs across the state.

Adam Blalock, Deputy Secretary Ecosystem Restoration

Kelli Hammer Levy, President
Florida Stormwater Association

10:00 AM  10:15 AM  Break

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM [0.75 credits] 

2021 Legislative Session Review [Track A]
Consideration of revisions to Florida water policy continued to receive a lot of attention in 2021.  This session will examine what was introduced, what passed and failed in 2021, and what might be reconsidered in 2022.  Attendees will have a chance to review the future of water policy and how water quality improvement programs may change in Florida.

Kurt Spitzer, Lobbyist
Florida Stormwater Association

Common Mistakes in Selecting and Implementing BMPs in Florida - Lessons Learned from 40 Years of BMP Monitoring [Track B]
Stormwater BMPs are being constructed at an ever-increasing rate to address runoff generated nutrient pollution to Florida lakes and surface waters. Performance monitoring has been conducted on a wide range of BMPs including wet ponds, vegetated treatment areas, floating wetlands, baffle boxes, denitrification beds, multi-stage treatment train systems, and many others. However, the success of BMPs in reducing nutrient loadings has been highly variable, and only a small fraction have achieved the stated load reduction goals. This presentation will address factors influencing BMP effectiveness and recommendations to improve BMP selection and efficiencies.

Harvey Harper, PE, PhD, President
Environmental Research and Design

11:00 AM – 11:15 AM  Break

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM [0.75 credits]  

Climate Change! What's SJRWMD Doing to Make NE FL More Resilient? [Track A]
Sea-level  rise, increased severity of tropical storm events, and shifting rainfall patterns are all effects of a changing climate. These increased risks pose many challenges to state and local governments.  This presentation will highlight what the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) is doing to prepare for and lessen impacts from climate change. Learn how District staff incorporate resiliency principles in their daily work and see specific project examples that can help you and your community.

Tom Frick, Director

Lake Sediment Variability and Cost-Effective TMDL Implementation [Track B]
Characterizing lake sediment variability through measuring fluxes allows for a targeted approach to lake management. This session will review a study that demonstrated flux “hot spots” in a shallow Florida lake, as well as regions of lower flux. Data was used to reduce unnecessary management costs and maximize nutrient removal per dollar invested.

Sara Phelps, PhD, Staff Scientist
Environmental Consulting & Technology

Robert Johnson, PE, Senior Engineer
Environmental Consulting & Technology

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM  Lunch Break (Interactive Breakout Optional, Cameras On!)

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM [0.75 credits]        

It Takes More Than a Village to Save the Village [Track A]
Assessment of flood threats has been an undertaking of variable quality as climate change vulnerability assessments have become more common.  Flood risk assessment as part of all-hazard climate change projects is not as simple as it first appeared years ago.  This presentation will dive into lessons learned and best practices in nailing down flood threats for local governments.

Elizabeth Perez, PE, DWRE, CFM, President
Collective Water Resources

Matthew Hutchins, Services Lead / Senior Resilience Analyst
FernLeaf Interactive

Offline Bioreactors for Nutrient Reduction in Fluvial Systems [Track B]
To reduce nutrient concentrations in waters with TMDLs, treatment wetland concepts can be modified for application in fluvial systems. This presentation will provide an example of a project that applied treatment wetland concepts to modified designs suitable for application in fluvial systems to provide surface water nutrient reduction.  To optimize treatment, offline bioreactors were designed with alternative media to maximize phosphorus adsorption and precipitation under baseflow conditions.

Chris Fagerstrom, PE, Principal Engineer
Environmental Consulting & Technology

Shane Williams, PhD, PE, Stormwater Engineer
Alachua County

1:45 PM – 2:00 PM  Break

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM [0.75 credits]       

Innovative Approach to Urban Flooding: Self-Organizing Channel Design [Track A]
The vision for the McCoys Creek Restoration Project goes beyond the “build a bigger ditch” mentality by using self-organizing channel design to restore function and resiliency to an urban creek.  This presentation will review how the project will expand the floodplain, improve water quality, restore fish and wildlife habitats, create a more resilient ecosystem and introduce access to the creek.

Rebecca Vanderbeck, PE, Project Manager

John Kiefer, PE, PhD, SrPWS, Principal Engineer-Water Resources

Projecting Stormwater Needs - Implementing HB53 [Track B]

HB 53 passed during the 2021 Session and requires local governments with wastewater or stormwater management systems to create a 20-year needs analysis of those systems and submit those to FDEP and the Office of Economic and Demographic Research (EDR) – the research and forecasting arm of the Legislature.  The analysis required by HB 53 includes a description of the system, the number of future residents served, revenues and expenditures, maintenance costs, etc.  The first analysis is due on June 20, 2022 and every five years thereafter.  The workshop session will discuss EDR’s current approach on gathering the information.  Questions, answers and discussion will be encouraged.  

Amy Baker, Coordinator, Office of Economic and Demographic Research
Florida Legislature

Kate Beggs, Economist, Office of Economic and Demographic Research
Florida Legislature

Tiffany Busby, President
Wildwood Consulting

2:45 PM – 3:00 PM  Break

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM [0.75 credits]       

Living with Sea Level Rise & Adapting to Climate Changes [Track A]
Climate change, including but not limited to extreme weather conditions and sea level rising has prompted planners and officials to focus on strategies that support a more resilient community.   In the Florida Keys, the County’s roadway and drainage system is vital for its access, evacuation and mobilization. This presentation will highlight a project that merges climate change science and modeling, with transportation engineering and planning to develop a long-term roads adaptation plan based on design criteria, Sea Level Rise projections, adaptation methodology, policy development, financing evaluation, and public/stakeholder outreach.

Greg Corning, PE, Florida Civil Design Team Lead

Erin Deady, Esq., AICP, LEED AP, Firm President
Erin L. Deady, PA

Emilio Corrales, PE, Senior Project Manager

Common Cents: Encouraging Green Infrastructure [Track B]
Pinellas County is leading efforts to implement Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development design in re-development projects to meet the County’s rigorous stormwater treatment requirements. This program highlights the challenges of “teaching old dogs, new tricks” in both public and private sectors, as well as strategies the County employed to incentivize acceptance.

Jorge Calabria, PhD, Water Resources Engineer
Applied Sciences Consulting

Josie Benwell, Project Coordinator
Pinellas County

3:45 PM – 4:00 PM [0.25 credits]      

Wrap Up

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021                                                                                                                                        

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM 

FSA and the FSA Educational Foundation Annual Meetings and Election of Officers and Board of Directors [General Session]
Join us for FSA’s Annual Meetings and Elections.  All are welcome to attend, however only FSA members can vote.

9:45 AM – 10:00 AM - Break

10:00 AM – 10:45 AM [0.75 credits] 

Your Stormwater Master Plan can be SO MUCH MORE! [Track A]
Most stormwater master plans include a watershed model, level of service deficiencies, and the laundry list of BMPs. Have you considered including a sea level rise vulnerability analysis, making sure your Community Rating System language is up to snuff, and looking at innovative stormwater runoff treatment in a built-out downtown? Well, the City of Dunedin did just that. Learn how the City achieved a higher quality and more comprehensive and consistent plan by addressing multiple related stormwater needs under one plan.

Whitney Marsh, Environmental Manager
City of Dunedin

David Jones, PE, GISP, Client Service Manager
Jones Edmunds

Tracy Dayton, PE, CFM, Project Engineer
Jones Edmunds

Khan Boupha, Senior Engineer
Jones Edmunds

Stephanie Dunham, Vice President, Engineering
Collective Water Resources

Tony Janicki, PhD, President
Janicki Environmental

Julia Serynek, PE, Project Manager
Burgess & Niple

Square One - Monitoring Program Development [Track B]
The City of Palm Coast desired to develop a monitoring program to assess local water quality.  This presentation will review how the City began by developing a comprehensive monitoring strategy based upon regulatory requirements, a GIS-based risk versus consequence analysis, historical data trends, and integration with its real-time canal monitoring network for flood control.

James Riddle, PE, Senior Project Manager

10:45 AM – 11:00 AM - Break

11:00 AM – 11:45 AM [0.75 credits] 

State of the Practice for Stormwater Quality Master Planning [Track A]
Water quality is a critical stormwater master planning component. This presentation will discuss the current state of the practice to comprehensively assess water quality, develop pollutant reduction strategies, and meet regulatory criteria. Case studies will be presented highlighting innovative best management practice designs to effectively mitigate stormwater pollution.

Steven Peene, PhD, Water Resources Principal
Applied Technology & Management

Mark Ellard, PE, CFM, DWRE, ENV SP, Senior Principal, Water Resources

Watch Out MS4s! [Track B]
MS4s are required by their permits to meet nutrient reduction requirements outlined in adopted basin management action plans (BMAPs). This presentation will discuss the extent to which inclusion of atmospheric deposition loading impacts MS4 BMAP obligations, and present potential alternatives to FDEP’s current approach.

Janet Hearn, PE, Associate Principal
Applied Technology & Management

Robert Potts, Senior Scientist
E Sciences

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM Break

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM [0.75 credits]    

Science and Engagement Drive Sarasota Bay Watershed Management [Track A]
Sarasota Bay is an economic driver for southwest Florida with fishing, tourism, recreation and waterfront development. Learn how Sarasota County and the Southwest Florida Water Management District used local water quality and environmental data, flood and pollutant modeling and influential stakeholders to find cost effective projects that will improve the health of the Sarasota Bay Watershed.

Kelly Westover, CFM, PMP, Managing Consultant

Robert Laura, PE, Watershed Engineering Manager
Sarasota County

Tony Janicki, PhD, President
Janicki Environmental

Ben Quartermaine, PE, Senior Engineer

Drainage Retro-fits That Promote Water Quality Enhancements [Track B]
Comprehensive thinking and planning is needed when developing aggressive water quality strategies within existing drainage and stormwater systems.  This presentation will highlight several types of BMPs and various applications in creating beneficial water quality treatment credits within densely populated areas.

Carlton Spirio, PE, Senior Drainage Engineer

12:45 PM – 1:00 PM [0.25 credits]      

Wrap Up and Adjourn